Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Charles, Felipe and Haakon Address Google Zeitgeist Forum

Crown Prince Haakon of Norway spoke about dignity at the Zeitgeist Europe 2009 conference in Hertfordshire this week. He reminded the audience of the importance to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and to view things from a global perspective by respecting cultural differences whilst helping the underprivileged in health, economic and educational issues.

Below is the eurozeitgeist's Channel You Tube video featuring Prince Haakon’s speech at the Zeitgeist Europe 2009 forum.

The Prince of Wales focussed on climate change in his speech beginning with a view of his Rainforests Project YouTube video clip. He then elicited laughter from the audience when he said after his introduction, “the great thing about Google…as I get older and forget who I am...perhaps I am a frog...and where I live I just can press a button and remind myself instantaneously and from a bird’s eye perspective. So we are very grateful to Google.” Besides the occasional lighthearted quip, the prince addressed the challenges facing the 21st century and said, “it seems appropriate to talk only about how we can move forwards learning from the wisdom of the past towards a truly sustainable future.”

Below is the eurozeitgeist's Channel You Tube video featuring the Prince of Wales' speech at the Zeitgeist Europe 2009 forum.

Before launching into his speech, the Prince of Asturias expressed his appreciation for the guitar music introduction playing over the speakers as he stepped up to the podium. He pitched the idea of tapping into the potential of Ibero-America by saying, “I would like to talk to you a little bit about a part of the world that is closely linked to Spain for many reasons and very dear to our hearts: what we call Ibero-America. I intend to present you a few ideas to explain why we consider this region and its peoples of great interest to us, and why we believe today the world, particularly Europe and North America-the West should pay more attention to it, to its great potential to the good opportunity to effectively expand global progress by reinforcing together this great Atlantic area of democracy, stability and development that we form all together.”

Below is the eurozeitgeist's Channel You Tube video featuring the Prince of Asturias' speech at the Zeitgeist Europe 2009 forum.