The Prince of Orange, along with King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, attended World Water Week in Stockholm. The event began on August 12th and ended on August 18th. The prince addressed several seminars including theUN-Water Seminar: Preparing a Final Action Plan for the International Year of Sanitation (IYS), Practical Approaches to Pro-Poor Water and Sanitation Governance and Incorporating Water Management in National Development Planning.
Below is some text from Prince Willem-Alexander’s speech at theUN-Water Seminar: Preparing a Final Action Plan for the International Year of Sanitation (IYS).
“Investing in sanitation is about giving people health, dignity and development. It leads to lower child mortality, better maternal health, fewer deaths from waterborne diseases, fewer girls dropping out of school and more women playing an active role in their communities. I repeat today what I have been saying for the past several months: every dollar spent on sanitation is a dollar spent on at least five other MDGs.”
“Today we have only a few hours. Our hope is that when we are finished we will have made significant progress by agreeing on an Action Plan based on a shared understanding of prioritized activities. This Action Plan should build on our IYS Objectives. Our Action Plan will not be a linear road, but a series of lanes, highly textured with ideas, actions, and inputs from around the world. It is critical that we reach as many groups as possible through the IYS. This is a challenging task, and we ask all of you to collaborate with us to find the synergies and shared opportunities among our organizations and individuals.”
“UNSGAB has established a Working Group on Sanitation chaired by Ms. Margaret Catley-Carlson and we have discussed how we can best support the International Year of Sanitation.”
“We are poised to support your efforts and work with you over the coming months.”
“I look forward to this concrete step to put sanitation back on track towards achievement of Millennium Development Goals.”The entire text from Prince Willem-Alexander's opening remarks at the meeting of Global Water Partnership entitled Incorporating Water Management in National Development Planning can be read here.
The entire text from Prince Willem-Alexander’s speech at theUN-Water Seminar: Preparing a Final Action Plan for the International Year of Sanitation (IYS) during World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden can be read here.
The entire text from Prince Willem Alexander's speech at the seminar Practical Approaches to Pro-Poor Water and Sanitation Governance can be read here.
For more information on World Water Week in Stockholm, visit the official website.
Photos: SIWI
Monday, August 20, 2007
Prince Willem-Alexander Boosts IYS Action Plan During World Water Week In Stockholm
Written by Ana Maria Ruhl
Labels: International Year of Sanitation, King Carl XVI Gustav, Prince of Orange, seminar, Stockholm, Sweden, World Water Week