Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Prinsjesdag 2007: State Opening of Parliament Speech From The Throne

With much pomp and circumstance, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands read her speech before a joint session of the two Houses of the States General on September 18th. Below are some highlights from her address.

"Members of the States General,"

"Our country has many grounds for hope and confidence. The economic prospects are good. Entrepreneurs and consumers are optimistic. Young people are able to find jobs quickly."

"There are also hopeful developments in fields other than the economy. More and more people are willing to make an effort to help each other and improve our living environment."

"Now in particular we have opportunities to take measures that will make our country stronger. We must take full advantage of these opportunities."

"Our country has major tasks ahead. We know that the average age of our population is rising. Businesses and public services like health care and education are facing labour shortages. This raises the question of how we will safeguard our prosperity and well-being in the future."

"The growth of our economy will also have to take place in a more sustainable manner."

"Too many people feel unsafe. Preventing and combating terrorism, crime and violence continue to demand much of our attention."

"Dutch society is changing rapidly, and our population is becoming more diverse.People sometimes feel uncertain; they are looking for something to hold on to and a sense of security. These feelings can have a profound impact on people’s lives. Therefore additional efforts are needed to increase social cohesion in our country and reinforce tolerance and mutual respect."

"Change can be a source of strength. In the past, renewal has brought progress to the Netherlands. Our capacity to change and innovate is what gives us the dynamism that is indispensable if we are to engage successfully with the challenges of the future. With its budget for 2008, the Government is making a contribution to meeting these challenges."

Queen Beatrix's entire Prinsjesdag 2007 speech can be read here.

Photos: ANP