Saturday, September 22, 2007

Rania Pleads for Peace One Day

September 21st is designated the International Day of Peace. It was ratified unanimously by the United Nations member states in 2001.

It all began with the vision of British filmmaker James Gilley to establish an annual day of peace. With his film, Peace One Day, he spoke with illustrious humanitarians and visited war-torn countries to enlighten the “consciousness of the fundamental issue to protect one another.”

Before concert goers at the Peace One Day event, Queen Rania of Jordan gave her insight on the Middle Eastern violence when her taped speech was aired at the Royal Albert Hall in London, yesterday.

“Thank you for being part of this wonderful event.”

“In my part of the world, we greet each other with “As-Salaam-Alaikum”…peace be upon you. And, although, the word ‘peace’ is part of our everyday language, the reality of peace is sadly absent from the lives of too many in the Middle East.”

“And it is particularly painful at this time of the year – the Holy month of Ramadan – a month of giving, when we share what we have, with those who do not have enough… a month of empathy, when we feel with the vulnerable, the poor and the hungry.”

“Yet too many of my people – mothers, fathers, children in Palestine and Iraq - are starved of the thing they need the most: peace.”

“Peace means our children can fall asleep to a mother’s soft voice, not screaming sirens … play with building blocks, not watch their homes destroyed… make friends not lose them…dream up big plans for the future, not wonder if they will have one.”

“Peace also means hope – and by raising your voices for peace, you are giving hope to millions around the world.”

“Thank you for supporting Peace One Day. Whatever pledge you made for peace on this day – take it forward. Make it a pledge for all your days.”

Peace One Day is a non-profit organization. The objective is “to engage all sectors of society, including governments, organisations of the United Nations system, regional and non-governmental organisations and individuals in observance of 21 September, through the practical manifestation of non-violence and ceasefire in accordance with UN GA Resolution 55/282, and encourage action on Peace Day that creates a united and sustainable world.”

To read more about Peace One Day and the man behind the vision, British filmmaker James Gilley, visit the official website.