Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Queen Rania’s Painting Touch to a Primary School in Sweileh

Last month, Queen Rania of Jordan adopted four schools in Sweileh, Salboud, Ruseifeh and Sabha with the purpose to renovate and promote a “healthy educational environment.” She has proven to be a staunch advocate for education and she did not hesitate to volunteer some painting time to Khawla Bint Tha’laba Primary School in Sweileh on Monday.

The queen has stressed the importance of community involvement and private sector funding to improve the quality of educational facilities. Rania declared: “Education not only changes individual lives, but also benefits families, communities and future generations, and that is why we all have a stake in improving the quality of our children’s education.”

As a mother of four children, Rania knows the importance of quality education. The queen uttered, “all of us, mothers and fathers, want our children to have the opportunity to learn in a healthy educational environment. It is one of the most basic and essential things we can provide for them.”

Queen Rania described the value of education as an investment .“When we invest in education, we are investing in Jordan’s future,” she announced.

Photo: Petra