Thursday, November 1, 2007

Lush Bhutan Beckons Willem-Alexander and Máxima of The Netherlands

It was a wish that the Prince of Orange fulfilled for his father, Prince Claus of the Netherlands, when he accepted the invitation of His Majesty King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck to visit the kingdom of Bhutan. He and his wife, Princess Máxima of the Netherlands, officially toured from October 28th to October 30th. The visit further enhanced the friendly relations between the two countries. Some of the places included on their agenda were Thimphu and Paro, areas rich in religious, cultural and historical significance.

As they enjoyed the hospitality of their hosts, the couple had the chance to participate in a popular sport of the Bhutanese. As his wife cheered him on, Prince Willem-Alexander demonstrated some prowess with the bow and arrow at an archery competition organized by the Bhutan Archery Federation. The federation had received the Prince Claus Award in 2004 “for their role in sustaining and developing archery as a dynamic expression of local cultural values.”

At the Centre for Bhutan Studies, the prince and princess were briefed on the project “Gross National Happiness” which encourages social-economic growth, good administration and the preservation and promotion of the Bhutanese culture. As the trip concluded, the prince poignantly recalled his late father’s hope to visit the kingdom. “Sadly, he never managed,” the prince said.

Photos: ANP