Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Pieter, Maurits and Marilène Attend Peter Stuyvesant Ball in New York

Professor mr. Pieter van Vollenhoven, husband of Princess Margriet of the Netherlands, attended the 26th Peter Stuyvesant Ball at the Grand Hyatt Hotel on Manhattan’s 42nd Street in New York. He was accompanied by his son, Prince Maurits and his daughter-in-law, Princess Marilène. The event took place on November 16th and was themed the “Daffodil Ball.” The ball is hosted by the Netherland-America Foundation. The foundation’s main objective is to build “on the enduring heritage and values shared between the peoples of the Netherlands and the United States” and “seeks to further strengthen the bonds between {the} two countries through exchange in the arts, sciences, education, business and public affairs.” Princess Margriet and Professor Pieter van Vollenhoven are patrons of the NAF.