Thursday, December 6, 2007

Naruhito and Willem-Alexander Give Opening Remarks at Water Summit

At the 1st Asia-Pacific Water Summit which was held in Beppu, Japan, the Prince of Orange and Crown Prince Naruhito of Japan spoke at the opening on December 3rd. For two days, forty-nine countries discussed specifically the water problems of the Asia-Pacific region.

In his speech, Prince Willem-Alexander recognized Crown Prince Naruhito and said: “It is a particular pleasure to be here with His Imperial Highness the Crown Prince of Japan, who has recently agreed to be the Honorary President of the UN Secretary- General’s Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation. In doing so, His Imperial Highness proves Japan’s invaluable contribution to the Board’s work, which was first led by my predecessor, the late former Prime Minister Hashimoto…I whole heartily welcome and endorse the aim of this Summit to contribute to sustainable water management in order to achieve the MDG targets in Asia and the Pacific.”

Likewise, Crown Prince Naruhito acknowledged Prince Willem-Alexander and the tremendous responsibility he was undertaking as Honorary President and replied: “I have accepted the request of the United Nations Secretary General Mr. Ban Ki-moon to serve on his Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation as its Honorary President. I am aware of the responsibility that comes with this honor. The Board, under the leadership of its late chairman Mr. Ryutaro Hashimoto, launched the Hashimoto Action Plan and is forging ahead towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals. I will do my best to learn more about the global issues of water and sanitation, and to work with His Royal Highness Prince Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands, the Board’s chairman, and its other members to contribute to its activities in my capacity as Honorary President.”

The entire opening speech given by the Prince of Orange at the 1st Asia-Pacific Water Summit can be read here.

The entire opening speech given by Crown Prince Naruhito at the 1st Asia-Pacific Water Summit can be read here.