Thursday, January 31, 2008

Meredith Vieira’s Interview with Prince Andrew

Prince Andrew appeared on the NBC Today Show this week to discuss Prince William, Prince Harry and Sarah Ferguson. He also talked about his daughters, his former military occupation and his current job. Meredith Vieira’s rare interview with the prince took place in the comfort of Buckingham Palace.

Of his ex-wife Sarah Ferguson, Andrew praised her mothering skills and said: “She's the one that delivered what I would describe as that grounding and that down-to-earth attitude in the girls. “She's been through marriage to a member of the royal family. And she's seen both ends. So she knows something that I could never experience, because she's come into it and gone out of it. Now, that experience is probably more valuable to the girls in their grounding than anything that I can give them.”

As a former Navy officer, the prince appreciated the efforts of William and Harry when they signed up for military service and said: “Those two young men are outstanding young people who have chosen to join the armed forces. And I think it’s absolutely right and proper that they should have an exposure to the military.”

Along with the interview, Ms. Vieira was afforded a rare view around Buckingham Palace. During the tour, Prince Andrew recounted some of his favourite pastimes.

The Royalist article, 'Quiet' Prince Andrew Turns TV Tour Guide, can be read here.

The NBC Today Show article, Prince Andrew on being a parent, and a Royal, can be read here.

Below is a clip from Meredith Vieira's NBC exclusive interview with Prince Andrew.