Saturday, January 19, 2008

Prince William Accomplishes First Solo Flight

Prince William accomplished his first solo flight this week at RAF Cranwell. He elatedly shared his thoughts about the unique experience to the media and said: “God knows how somebody trusted me with an aircraft and my own life. It was an amazing feeling. Going solo is one of those things, if you had a list of the top 50 things to do before you die, it would be in there.” The prince expressed a little of apprehension about his take off and landing, but he was thrilled that he completed his first solo trial without a major hitch and said: “I was sitting there saying 'Oh my God, this is a bit odd, there's no one in here'. Once I'd taken off it was fine, you do all the things you've got to do and fly the circuit. Then I was watching the runway getting closer and closer and thinking, 'Please, please don't mess this up'.”

Photo: REUTERS/Darren Staples (BRITAIN)