Saturday, February 23, 2008

Prince Maurits and Princess Marilène Release New Photos of Family

The Dutch Royal House recently released some new family photos of Prince Maurits, Princess Marilène and their three children: Anna (6), Lucas (5) and Felicia (2). The photographs were taken by Frank van Beek.

The usually low-profile couple have made several appearances this month. Just last week, Prince Maurits and Princess Marilène accompanied Princess Margriet of the Netherlands and prof. mr. Pieter van Vollenhoven to the Holland America Friendship Foundation gala which was held at the Kurhaus Hotel in Scheveningen. His parents received an award at the gala from the foundation for their commitment towards amicable relations between the Netherlands and the United States. Upon receiving the award on February 11th, Princess Margriet quipped, “one of the nicer things in life when one grows older is that one gets medals and awards without requiring a physical effort which is very reassuring for us tonight.”

Besides their recent appearances, Princess Marilène also celebrated her 38th birthday on February 4th.

Photos: Frank van Beek