Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Prince of Orange Sends Videomessage to the 10th Summit of the African Union

The 10th Summit of the African Union was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from January 31st to February 2nd. Understandably, Prince Willem-Alexander could not attend the summit because of a familial obligation. He explained his absence to the audience on January 31st in a videomessage and said, “I would have loved to be able to be with you today. However, the celebrations for the 70th birthday of my mother, Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands, made my presence in the Netherlands obligatory. I trust you will understand this, accept my apologies and allow me to address your distinguished gathering by video message.”

Below is some text from Prince Willem-Alexander’s videomessage to the 10th Summit of the African Union.

"After accepting the position as Chair of the UN Secretary-General’s Advisory Board on Water and Sanitation in December 2006, I was delighted that my first task was to preside over an African Dialogue on Water and Sanitation, with my friend and co-chair Ms Maria Mutagamba. Other prticipants were other high-ranking water representatives from the African Union, the African Ministers’ Council on Water, NEPAD, the African Development Bank, the African Water Facility, regional representatives and other key organisations which are instrumental in improving the water and sanitation situation in Africa. At that meeting, held in Tunis in December 2006, our discussions on the challenges Africa was facing were frank and sobering, yet in the end, hopeful and encouraging. Since then, my Board has been dedicated more than ever to advancing the water and sanitation agenda in Africa with the aim of helping to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015."

"I understand that your deliberations at the Summit have focused in particular on the theme ‘Industrial Development of Africa’. In order to overcome poverty and increase economic growth in the region, industrial development will be essential. I strongly agree that the African Region has a great potential for economic and social growth in this century. Take, for example, water resources development and management. Africa uses only 3.8% of its water resources for water supply, irrigation and hydropower, which are a prerequisite for industrial development. In other words, more than 96% of Africa’s hydro-potential is still untapped!"

"Besides the need for clean energy and water, industrial development needs a healthy workforce. However, Africa is facing an ongoing, endemic water and sanitation crisis that debilitates and kills large numbers of people, limiting economic growth, educational access, and life opportunities. Most at risk are the poor, especially women and children in rural areas and in the growing cities and informal settlements. Only 62% of Africans have access to safe water and only 43% have access to adequate sanitation. Major sanitation improvements could boost the economy in so many ways."

The full text of Prince Willem-Alexander’s videomessage can be read here.