Sunday, March 30, 2008

Queen Rania Encourages Dialogue Amongst YouTubers

Queen Rania of Jordan wants your stereotypes. Today, she initiated on YouTube an exclusive video to encourage dialogue amongst the YouTuber community and dispel common misconceptions of the Middle East. The queen expressed her desire to oppugn stereotypes and said, “in a world where it’s so easy to connect to one another, we still remain very much disconnected. There’s a whole world of wonder out there that we cannot appreciate with stereotypes…I want people to know the real Arab world – to see it unedited, unscripted and unfiltered – to see the personal side of my region – to know the places and faces and rituals and culture that shape the part of the world I call home.” YouTube’s community will be permitted to exchange comments concerning stereotypes until International Youth Day on August 12th. The queen’s goal is to dissolve the myths surrounding her culture and promote global cultural awareness without stereotypes.

Below is Queen Rania’s YouTube Exclusive: Send Me Your Stereotypes.

For more information on Queen Rania’s YouTube initiative, visit her official YouTube website.