Sunday, May 18, 2008

Highlights of the May Wedding between Peter Phillips and Autumn Kelly

The bride underscored the low-key May 17th event by her understated lace and satin Sassi Holford wedding gown. Autumn walked down the St George’s Chapel aisle using the Prince of Denmark's March composed by Jeremiah Clarke. She had a total of six bridesmaids including the groom's sister, Zara Phillips. The Princess Royal loaned the bride her diamond tiara that was presented to her in 1973 by the World Wide Shipping Group when she launched the tanker World Unicorn. After the ceremony, the bride and groom led the intimate Royal Family gathering to Frogmore House for the post nuptial celebrations.
The Royalist article, Rain Fails To Dampen Peter & Autumn's Joy (Updated), can be read here.

The BBC article, A thoroughly modern royal wedding, can be read here.

The BBC article, Royal marries in Windsor wedding, can be read here.

A BBC video clip of the bride and the groom leaving St. George’s Chapel can be seen here.

Photos: REUTERS, Geoffrey Shakerley