Thursday, July 2, 2009

Prince Hussein Is Named Crown Prince of Jordan

By Royal decree, Prince Hussein, the eldest son of King Abdullah II of Jordan, has been officially named Crown Prince of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan today.

The Royal title was previously held by Prince Hamzah, eldest son of the late King Hussein and Queen Noor. Hamzah was named Crown Prince by Abdullah II on February 7, 1999. It was later rescinded by the king on November 28, 2004.

Under Article 28 of the Jordanian constitution, King Abdullah II exercised his prerogative to name his eldest son the next Crown Prince.

Chapter Four, The Executive Power, Part One, The King and His Prerogatives

Article 28

(a) * The Royal title shall pass from the holder of the Throne to his eldest son, and to the eldest son of that son and in linear succession by a similar process thereafter. Should the eldest son die before the Throne devolves upon him, his eldest son shall inherit the Throne, despite the existence of brothers to the deceased son. The King may, however, select one of his brothers as heir apparent. In this event, title to the Throne shall pass to him from the holder of the Throne.

Prince Hussein is currently studying at King’s Academy in Manja, Jordan. He celebrated his fifteenth birthday on June 28th.

Photo: Petra