Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Prince Joachim and Alexandra Shocked and Saddened By Queen Margrethe's Decision

Prince Joachim and his former wife, Alexandra, countess of Frederiksborg, shared their reactions to the news that Queen Margrethe was renouncing the royal titles of her grandchildren born to Prince Joachim, Princess Marie and Alexandra. Both were saddened and shocked when announcement came from the Kongehuset stating that Prince Joachim's children would lose their royal titles on January 1, 2023. 

According to the Ekstra Bladet and retold by People magazine, Prince Joachim said that he was presented with a plan in May, but it was not suppose to happen until they each turned twenty-five. He said that he was only given five days notice of the announcement, and was not prepared to accept the news. He also worried about what was he going to tell the children, especially Princess Athena who cannot comprehend a royal birthright being taken away from her. Also, Ekstra Bladet journalist Caroline Bildstrup spoke briefly to Prince Joachim as he exited his car in Paris and posted his response on Twitter

Even readers to the Twitter feed of Ekstra Bladet weighed on the Queen Margrethe's decision with one named Mae Poulter@fertilista stating, Hmmm....enten så er kommunikationen i den familie ikke-eksisterende, eller også bliver de offentligt straffet for noget bag gardinet...Der må være mere til historien, med denne reaktion. Uanset hvad man synes om kongehuset og en bagatel som en titel.(Hmmm....either the communication in that family is non-existent, or they are being publicly punished for something behind the scenes...There must be more to the story, with this reaction. Whatever one thinks of the royal house and a trifle as a title.)