Sunday, October 7, 2007

Máxima and Willem-Alexander Build Economic and Cultural Ties with Slovenia

From October 2nd to October 4th, the Prince of Orange and Princess Máxima of the Netherlands were building economic and cultural ties in Slovenia. When the royal couple's plane flew into Ljubljana's airport on Tuesday, Prince Willem was the pilot. The prince and princess met with Slovenia's President Janez Drnovsek and attended a dinner at the presidential castle in Brdo.

Below is Prince Willem's speech during the official dinner in Brdo.

"Mr. President, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen,"

"My wife and I are honoured by your invitation and are happy to be here in Slovenia at this important juncture in time. We have been in your beautiful country for only a day now and already we feel perfectly at home. Allow me to express from the outset - and I'm looking to you all in this room - my sincerest gratitude for what you have done in putting this great programme together. I know how much work is involved."

"Mr. President,"

"Slovenia has completed a 'tour de force' in the past decade. The accession to the European Union and NATO, your participation in international peace keeping missions, the introduction of the Euro, the upcoming accession to the Schengen Treaty, and soon another historic first: the first new EU Member state to chair the Council of the European Union. As new member states go, Slovenia comes out on top."

"To be sure, your success shows the way for those other countries and people in South eastern Europe who are yearning for a better future. You showed them that by making the right choices, by working hard every day, that a vision can be turned into a reality."

"Today, you help them by sending your experts, sharing your experiences and investing largely in their economies. You may be a small country, but your efforts are invaluable, for no other country can offer what you are offering them right now. And we commend you for that."

"As we speak, you are preparing for the EU presidency. This is no small feat, no matter what size the country is. I know that your people are highly qualified, extensively trained and anxious to finally start. But no presidency can do it alone. You will need the help of other partners, and the Netherlands will stand by you wherever it can."

"Mr. President,"

"Our bilateral relations are strong and growing, be it in the cultural or economical fields. Bilateral trade and investments are picking up. And where we cannot compete in numbers of workers, we can compete with our brains and creativity, marshalling our respective talents. Looking beyond your borders, into South eastern Europe looms large, a market with 20 million people, I am sure that our companies can cooperate successfully there as well. And when it comes to peace and security we stand together around the world today, and I trust that we will also stand together in the future."

"But I also want to look at our next generations. Through this visit, many Dutch youngsters will be introduced to Slovenia for the first time. Already there are many exchanges between students thanks to the Erasmus programme. I can only hope that many more will follow. Because these young people will help determine what Europe is going to look like in the decades ahead. We will have to teach them why Europe is here, why it is necessary and why they should be active citizens. I hope to play my modest part in this tomorrow at the Law Faculty."

"Mr. President,"

"This visit comes at the right time. We are honoured to be your guest and a witness to the success of a young state but a historic nation. You have played an important part in the recent history of Slovenia. First as Prime Minister and now as President and Head of State. Your positive approach to life and your personal battles command respect. And as Head of State you have, in a way, bolstered the conscience of a nation, and that, I believe, is a fitting role for any Head of State."

"Finally, Mr. President, Excellencies, dear guests, I would like to salute you and your fellow Slovenians, for your hospitality and friendship. I wish you good luck and am certain that you will make a shining mark on the map of Europe."

Some of the places on the royal couple's packed itinerary included the IEDC School of Management in Bled, Trimo Company in Trebnje, University of Ljubljana, BIA Separations, Ljubljana’s city hall and national library and the Cathedral of St. Nicholas.

Prince Willem's speech entitled Europe: a gift of history, a promise for the future delivered at the University of Ljubljana on October 3rd can be read here.

Photos: ANP