Friday, October 5, 2007

Queen Rania Awards Distinguished Teachers

Queen Rania of Jordan praised the country’s educators at the Distinguished Teacher award ceremony on Thursday for their instruction and dedication to the education profession. Jordan has over 90,000 teachers and 5,000 schools with a student population over 1.6 million. The elegant queen presented the Queen Rania Award for the Distinguished Teacher 2007 to five teachers.

In her remarks, the queen extolled the teachers for their dedication and challenged them to unleash the energies and potential in their students, and said, “Warm congratulations to all teachers in our beloved Jordan who believe in the teaching vocation…who shoulder it with dedication…and selflessly carry the burdens of such a humanitarian and noble occupation.”

“Every time you embrace our children, unleashing their energies and potentials, and opening before them the horizons of knowledge, you are engraving, in their minds, the image of the teacher that cannot be diminished by the passing of years. This is an enviable honor.”

“You carry a great responsibility, and you do so with much sincerity and integrity “I know that as you hold the award of distinction in one hand, you bear the future of Jordan in the other.”

Photo: Petra