Saturday, October 27, 2007

One More Accolade for Queen Rania of Jordan

Lauded numerous times for her humanitarian work, Queen Rania of Jordan received one more accolade when she visited the United States from October 24th to October 26th. Her first stop was the state of California where she was a guest speaker at the California Governor and First Lady’s Conference on Women. The queen displayed her wit as she spoke of bridging the cultural divide globally by relating a personal story involving peanut butter and jelly. “Because,” the queen declared, “I am convinced that we are all much more alike than we are different… that the experiences that shape us, no matter where we grow up, bring out the same very human responses – of tears and laughter, fear and courage, uncertainty and enlightenment.”

In New York, the dashing CNN founder Ted Turner presented the beautiful queen with the UNA-USA (United Nations Association) Global Humanitarian Action Award. Mr. Turner gallantly kissed Rania's hand as she accepted her award. In her speech, the queen quoted Jonas Salk with the phrase: “The greatest reward for doing is the opportunity to do more.” As she concluded her address, Rania said, “I promise to keep doing all I can to be worthy of the honor you have bestowed on me tonight.”

The queen of Jordan's agenda also included a visit to William Howard Taft High School in Los Angeles which piloted the first Zerohour program “to eradicate prejudice and intolerance” within the student body and supporting Bobby Shriver in New York with the RED campaign in association with Hallmark Cards, Inc.

To recount her impressions of her visit, Queen Rania appeared on Good Morning, America and spoke with Diane Sawyer regarding her humanitarian work. Rania's interview is linked here.

Photo: Petra