Thursday, December 27, 2007

King Juan Carlos of Spain's 2007 Christmas Message

King Juan Carlos of Spain and his family have been surrounded with insurmountable tragedy and negative press this year, but the king was unwilling to wallow in a hopeless feeling of self-pity. Rather, he reassured his subjects that in spite of the hardships his family has endured; the country has enjoyed prosperity and democratic stability. In his Christmas message, Juan Carlos praised his subjects for overcoming challenges and embracing unity and diversity, but reminded them to continue working with dedication and generosity and contribute their efforts to society as a whole. As the king commanded his people to assert themselves more to their duties, the king reaffirmed his commitment to Spain and to all Spaniards.

The Typically Spanish article, King Juan Carlos calls for unity against terrorism in his Christmas message, can be read here.

King Juan Carlos of Spain's 2007 Christmas message delivered from Zarzuela Palace on December 24th can be viewed here.