Thursday, January 3, 2008

Prince Philippe and Princess Mathilde Release Family Photos for the New Year

At the Royal Castle of Laeken, Prince Philippe and Princess Mathilde gathered their brood, Princess Elisabeth(6), Prince Gabriel(4) and Prince Emmanuel(2) for a charming photo session. When the photos were released today, the prince and princess issued a brief message to “express their gratitude” for the many people they had a chance to meet in the 300+ engagements over the past year.

Below is a segment from Prince Philippe and Princess Mathilde 2008 New Year message.

“At the start of this new year, we would like to start with a look back over 2007.”

“We are very grateful that we were able to attend more than three hundred events over the past year at home and all over the world during Belgian missions abroad.”

“We had the chance to meet so many people and experience their enthusiasm and dedication; we listened full of interest to them, admiring their expertise, encouraging them and full of admiration for their daily efforts.”

“We also came into contact with many of the more vulnerable in society and people who have lots of problems. They left a deep impression on us... We were able to experience, time and time again, the treasure of potential that is present in our country in all segments of our society...”

“In our various duties, just like last year, we will continue to do our best to be of service to the country and our fellow Belgians. Your appreciation and gratitude encourages day after day.”

“We wish you much happiness for the New Year!”

Mathilde is due in the spring with her fourth child.

Photo: Associated Press/Royal palace, HO