Thursday, January 3, 2008

Emperor Akihito’s 2008 New Year Greeting

In August, the emperor and empress of Japan comforted the evacuees of the earthquake in the Niigata Prefecture and viewed the devastation of the land. Hence, Akihito remembered those that had suffered adversity within the Ishikawa and Niigata Prefectures in his New Year greeting.

Below is Emperor Akihito’s 2008 New Year Greeting.

"Last year, there were earthquakes in Ishikawa Prefecture and Niigata Prefecture, and my sympathies go out to those affected who are facing hardships as they live through the harsh winter in those regions. Although there were fewer natural disasters such as heavy rains, it was regrettable that a number of incidents came to light undermining the people’s sense of security in their daily lives."

"It is my hope that the new year will bring happiness to each and every one of you, and that efforts will continue to be made to build a society in which people all over the world can live in mutual trust."