Thursday, April 30, 2009

Queen’s Day Tragedy in Apeldoorn

Queen’s Day celebrations in the Netherlands came to an abrupt halt today when a car demolished police barricades and careened into a throng of people at the cordoned off intersection of Jachtlaan and Amersfoortseweg. The crowd was waiting for the appearance of Queen Beatrix and her family. The Dutch royals saw the tragedy unfold as they turned onto Zwolseweg headed toward the Palais Het Loo in an open-air bus. The Prince of Orange and his wife, Princess Máxima of the Netherlands, watched in horror as the car crumpled against the fence of a large monument called “De Naald” (The Needle) right in front of them. Willem put his arm around Máxima as she covered in mouth in disbelief.

The queen issued a video statement via her website sending her condolences for those killed and injured in the tragedy.

Below is a BBC news clip reporting on the tragedy in Apeldoorn.

The NOS article, “Vijfde dode na aanslag Koninginnedag Apeldoorn,” and video clips of the tragedy in Apeldoorn can be viewed here.